Virginia Gold


Why you should be excited

Virginia Gold is a 1970s-bred apple from the U.S. South that has won plenty of praise in taste-testings.

The story of Virginia Gold

This modern cross of old U.S. favourites Newtown Pippin and Golden Delicious has won a lot of favour in its native Virginia as well as elsewhere over recent years.

With the winning combination of a pretty appearance -- it's a yellow apple with a most pleasant pink blush -- and outstanding flavour -- you'll find plenty of sweetness here, as well as balancing sharpness -- it's a variety that might just become more widely planted as the years go by.

A particularly valuable bonus is the fact that Virginia Gold stores well, actually improving in flavour and sweetening over time spent in storage.

Keep your eye on this winner of a relatively recent variety.

Virginia Gold Facts

Its origins

Bred at Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, 1976.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The firm flesh of this perennial taste-test winner has an excellent balance of sweet and tart.


This pretty yellow-skinned apple has a very attractive pink/red blush.

When they’re available

Late season (usually in late October).

Quality for fresh eating

Very good.

Quality for cooking


Keeping ability

Good (about 3 months when kept refrigerated).