St. Lawrence


Why you should be excited

St. Lawrence is an old Canadian classic discovered in the Montreal area that’s rarely seen anymore.

The story of St. Lawrence

It’s funny how – for most people – an orange is an orange, despite the differences among varieties. But even the least sophisticated apple eaters will tell you all about the varieties they love and those they can’t stand.

The larger number of varieties may explain part of the difference, but there has also been enough change in tastes over time to make the issue more complicated.

St. Lawrence is an 18th century apple from the Montreal area that was once highly thought-of but now is virtually forgotten. Too soft for modern tastes? Or just pushed aside by the influx of more grocery store-friendly varieties?

Whatever the reason, we’re glad you can try and judge for yourself.

St. Lawrence Facts

Its origins

Discovered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada; 1835 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Tender, sweet, slightly sub-acid flesh. The flavour is mild.


Bold red stripes over a pale yellow background skin colour.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking


Keeping ability

So-so (about 1 month when kept refrigerated).