Red Sparkle


Why you should be excited

Red Sparkle is a high quality multi-purpose apple that can handle the worst of prairie winters.

The story of Red Sparkle

Even if the McIntosh is not one of your favourite apples (I admit to belonging to this group), you’ve got to admire how widely this classic old Canadian variety has been used in breeding.

Presumably, breeders have been looking to build on the Mac’s pure white flesh and sweetness, not to mention the tree’s hardiness.

It’s not unheard of for the child of a famous apple to actually be an improvement on its parent and Red Sparkle is a candidate for that distinction.

Perhaps best known for the fact that it’s hardy enough to withstand a prairie winter, folks who grow it tend to argue that this is much more than a cold-resistant apple tree; it’s also a high-quality apple with nice texture as well as good flavour.

Red Sparkle Facts

Its origins

Bred in Morden, Manitoba, Canada; 1990 release.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Crisp and juicy, with a fruity/nutty flavour.


A medium-sized green-skinned apple blushed with red.

When they’re available

Early-mid season (usually in early September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking


Quality for cider

Not particularly known for use in cider.

Keeping ability

So-so (a few weeks when kept refrigerated).