

Why you should be excited

Priscilla was the second disease-resistant apple variety introduced by a co-op of three U.S. universities.

The story of Priscilla

University apple-breeding programs may seem like unromantic starting points for a variety, but they sure can produce results.

A relatively early example of this was Priscilla, a disease-resistant apple variety first planted in 1962 and introduced to the rest of the world a decade later. Its resistance to apple scab, powdery mildew and fireblight matters most to growers; its good flavour and pleasing crispness matter more to the rest of the world.

Like its fellow Purdue/Rutgers/Illinois brethren -- just look for names that begin with p-r-i -- Priscilla was a welcome addition to the world of apples. Even if it has never become particularly famous.

Priscilla Facts

Its origins

Bred in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA; 1972 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Medium-grained, crisp, coarse, mildly subacid, with a pleasant flavour.


Medium-sized. The yellow background skin colour is at least two-thirds covered by a red blush.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Keeping ability

Good (3 months when kept refrigerated).