

Why you should be excited

Michelin is a French bittersweet cider apple that's probably better known in England than where it originated.

The story of Michelin

Here's a cider apple well-suited to folks who want to plant a few trees of their own, but don't want it to become a major job.

That's because it's a pretty good-natured tree, moderately vigorous, starts producing at a young age and then ripens big crops year in and year out. That's because it has little trouble with biennialism (producing good crops only every second year), as do many traditional cider varieties.

Equally importantly, Michelin fruit makes pretty decent bittersweet juice, with mild tannins and moderate bitterness. It may not be considered one of the true greats in the world of cider, but hardly a variety to be passed over, either.

Michelin Facts

Its origins

Discovered in France, 18th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

This bittersweet cider apple produces a medium-bitter juice with soft tannins.


When ripe, the fruit is yellow, smooth-skinned and round.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in early October).

Quality for fresh eating

It's not a great idea to try eating a cider apple fresh.

Quality for cooking

Not going to work very well.

Quality for cider

Very good. Michelin is a bittersweet apple perfectly suited to use in cider.

Keeping ability

Not relevant, as cider apples are kept just a short time before the cider-making begins.