
Why you should be excited

Lindel is a Canadian multi-purpose apple introduced in 1971 that has some enthusiastic supporters.

The story of Lindel

Bred in Ontario during the late 1930s, it took more than three decades for Lindel to be released in 1971.

While this might give the impression that there was little interest in the variety, its fans would say otherwise.

A cross between Red Delicious and Linda, Lindel has its strengths: a vigorous and productive tree, firm, crisp and juicy fruit that works equally well as a fresh-eating apple and as a baking apple and good keeping ability.

Maybe its biggest weakness is the fact that many people want nothing to do with any variety related to Red Delicious. The excellent Melrose suffers from the same problem.

Hopefully people will give both varieties a chance; after all, should we be blamed for our parents’ failings?

Lindel Facts

Its origins:

Bred near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1971 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Cream-coloured flesh is crisp, sweet and aromatic.


A medium to large-sized apple that’s ribbed and has red over yellow.

When they’re available

Late-season (in our orchard, we expect late September).

Quality for fresh-eating


Quality for cider

Mainly used for fresh-eating and cooking.

Quality for cooking


Keeping ability

Very good (up to 4 months when kept refrigerated).