
Why you should be excited

Hangdown is a 19th century English mild bittersweet cider apple best known for…  hanging down.

The story of Hangdown

There are apple trees with strong-looking branches and then there are apple trees with weak-looking, droopy branches.

People tend to notice the latter and – in this case – even name the variety for that characteristic. It’s not that long, twiggy, drooping branches  are that big of a deal. Especially in this case, as Hangdown is more than its appearance; it’s actually a good-quality cider apple that crops heavily – after a long wait to begin producing – and delivers juicy, sweet fruit that makes an entirely decent cider.

Just watch out for scab and canker, as it is susceptible to both.

Hangdown Facts

Its origins

Unknown origins in Somerset, England, sometime in the 19th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The crisp, tender, white flesh provides lots of sweet juice for cider.


Small fruit with red flush over yellow, when ripe.

When they’re available

Late season (in our orchard, we expect early October).

Quality for fresh eating

Used solely for cidermaking.

Quality for cooking

Just for cider.

Quality for cider


Keeping ability

We’ll let you know when we find out.