

Why you should be excited

Dabinett is an English apple renowned for the excellent bittersweet flavour of its juice in alcoholic cider.

The story of Dabinett

Here’s an apple variety that excites folks interested in English-style alcoholic cider.

Dabinett is one of few varieties possessing all the qualities to make a single-variety cider (such apples are referred to in England as possessing 'vintage quality"): it’s bittersweet, strongly flavoured, with enough sugar to produce sufficient alcohol plus it’s a reliable cropper that grows on a tree with excellent natural disease resistance.

Yes, this is a dream variety for cider lovers. We expect that as high quality cider rises in prominence – and we truly believe this is going to happen in a big way over coming years – you’re going to hear a lot about Dabinett, which has a century-long track record of cider success in the U.K.

Bring on Dabinett and a new era of cider excellence, we say!

Dabinett Facts

Its origins

Discovered at South Petherton, Somerset, England, early 20th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Bittersweet cider apple providing high-quality, full-flavoured juice.


A small yellow-green apple flecked with red.

When they’re available

Very late season (usually in November).

Quality for fresh eating

Like all cider apples, you’re not going to enjoy eating it fresh.

Quality for cooking

Used exclusively to make alcoholic cider, so don't bother trying this bitter apple in your cooking.

Quality for cider

This bittersweet cider apple is one of the most highly respected traditional cider varieties.

Keeping ability

Not generally kept for any period of time. Get that cider fermenting!