Court Royal

Why you should be excited

Court Royal is a sweet cider apple from England that’s unusual for producing a high-quality cider, but with virtually no bitterness.

The story of Court Royal

This apple was so good in cider that it became rarely used as a fresh-eating apple, even though it was crisp and tasty.

During the 19th century, Court Royal was often eaten fresh in several areas of England, but by the time the 20th century rolled around, it was focused on what it did best: making a high-quality but light cider.

Not only did Court Royal make good cider; it also made it fast, fermenting more quickly than most other varieties.

Fast-forward to today and Court Royal is not widely grown for any purpose, so maybe this is an opportunity for it to re-emerge as the multi-talented apple that it has always been.

Court Royal Facts

Its origins

Unknown origins, likely in Devon, England, 19th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Produces a sweet, fast-fermenting juice for cider.


A large apple with orange-red flush and stripes over yellow.

When they’re available

Mid-late season (in our orchard, we expect late September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for cider and fresh eating.

Quality for cider


Keeping ability

Minimal (needs to be pressed within about 10 days of harvest).