
Why you should be excited

Angela is a 2000s-introduced cider variety developed in England and promising good quality and relatively early harvests.

The story of Angela

It might be stretching things a tad to suggest that the world of apple-related research has rock stars But if there was such a thing as a rock star among apple nerds, Liz Copas would be one.

A long-time researcher (aka pomologist) and author about cider apples, Ms. Copas’ most memorable feat — along with her cohort Ray Williams — may have been devoting a quarter century to developing new cider apple varieties such as Gilly, Fiona, Vicky, Lizzie and Angela.

Their goal in taking on this apple breeding project was to find new varieties that produced high-quality juice for cider in an apple that’s healthy, productive and easy to grow.

By all accounts, Angela fits the bill. We’re looking forward to seeing how it performs.

Angela Facts

Its origins

Bred in Somerset, England; 2006 introduction.

Flavour, aroma, texture

Makes a good quality bittersharp juice.


A pretty yellow-orange apple with significant red blush.

When they’re available

Mid-season (usually in late September).

Quality for fresh eating

Used in cider only.

Quality in cider

Very good.

Quality for cooking

Stick to cider with this one.

Keeping ability

Unknown (no point waiting too long after harvest, though).
