
Why You Should Be Excited

Accordian is an obscure apple variety from the U.S. south that’s tasty in addition to having a fun name.

The Story of Accordian

When we brought in grafting wood obtained from the incomparable and much-missed Nick Botner of Yoncalla, Oregon (selected from his thousands of apple varieties at the time), our goal was to add fascinating varieties likely grown by nobody else in British Columbia, let alone Salt Spring Island.

We certainly succeeded at that, although many of these varieties are now spreading slowly throughout our region and beyond as we sell trees that we have grafted using wood from the ones in our orchard that we made back in 2012 using wood we got from Nick.

Accordian is a typical example of these mostly-rare apple varieties, given its obscurity and quirky characteristics.

It’s obscure because Accordian was what apple hunter Lee Calhoun calls a ‘family apple,’ a variety passed on through generations of the family that first raised it in North Carolina. More trees were grafted over time, but not many, as the variety's desirability was known best to the members of just a single extended family.

In addition to being little-known, Accordian is also just a little bit quirky, mainly because its prominent ribs can make the fruit look pleated - kind of like a squeeze-box - which led to its catchy name.

And, on top of these interesting characteristics, Accordian is also reputed to be a tasty early season apple.

Accordian Facts

Its origins

Raised from a seed in Rockingham County, North Carolina, USA, around the turn of the 20th century.

Flavour, aroma, texture

The yellowish flesh is fine-grained, juicy, crisp and subacid in flavour.


This medium-sized apple has a pinkish blush over a yellowish-green background.

When they’re available

Early season (in our orchard: late August or early September).

Quality for fresh eating


Quality for cooking

Mainly used for fresh eating.

Quality for cider

We haven't encountered any information about how this variety has fared in cider, but almost all old southern U.S. varieties were used extensively in cider, so Accordian likely was, too. We use it in our early ripening cider blend.

Keeping ability

Limited (a few weeks when kept refrigerated).